Affiliation: Amazon Affiliate Program
Website : Garagebeast.com
Contact us : Visit contact us page or Email us at [email protected]
The idea of garagebeast.com came in my mind when I started taking interest in cars and Motorbikes. I used to learn anything I can on how the car engines other parts work then when I bought my first used car, I became a D.I.Y guy and due to that my knowledge on cars kept on increasing.
My Cousins and friends would usually ask me about any car parts they were about to replace or any new modification they want to do or some of my friends were D.I.Y guys like me, they would either but the same stuff I had they would buy or if they need anything they would seek advice from me.
Then the idea just popped in my mind that if I can help them then I have a much broader platform and I could help millions of people out there and then I took an initiative to start this blog.
The main idea of Garagebeast is to provide honest and unbiased information & reviews about any products related to cars and Motorbikes.
We want this blog to be your last spot for people to make their decision and picking the products that fits their needs.
Please take a look at my blog and leave your valuable comment & feedback.